Wednesday, 14 March 2007

self review then parents evening !!! glad thats all over

Hi well what a day today has been I had my self review today with our head teacher and although I had lots of positive things to say i did find it quite emotionally draining, I feel I have been on a roller coaster the last 6 / 8 months but at least my boss does not think it has effected my work in anyway so that was good to know.
Then tonight we had parents evening for stepson got to be honest with you was absolutely dreading it as he has not been having a good time at school with arguing with teachers being sent out of lessons and that's only a few things that he has been doing. But we went into school and to be honest his main problem is his literacy skills or lack of them ( i personally feel he has been let down at primary level where this could of been addressed a bit more and i feel as we should of done more for him but up until him coming to live with us in November we were never part of his schooling as we were never invited to be ) but he can do the work and is a bright child but he just struggles with the paper work so hopefully strategies can be put in place to help him.
Oh yes his mum and step dad turned up at parents evening as well and saw a couple of teachers and basically told them that well you see he doesn't live with us anymore he is with his dad ( pass the book pass the book) and forgot to add one vital part of information ........ they are clearing off to the other side of the world anytime ( that wont have an effect on him will it ?)
Sorry rant over

Linda x

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