Tuesday, 2 January 2007

New years day came and went

Well Happy new year or is it spent yesterday trying to get organised with this blog and the after I had written it all couldn't get back into it arghh so here i go again.

I have kept threatening to bore you all with my ramblings so here goes the start of our family stories ( bear with me it could get quite boring at times )

Well we saw the new year in as a family plying games both on PlayStation and board games and to be honest we had a really good time. Got to bed about 2 ish and darling hubby was up at about 8.30 to take Sam up to scouts for their annual New Years Day Hike they were out about 4 hrs whilst Rebekah and Neesa played on Buzz and tidied their room.

I just kind of slobbed around on New Years Day to be honest and watched TV or and tried to sort this thing out lol.

So that was our new years day I did warn you its not the most interesting read in the world but hey knowing my lot keep checking back you never know !!! I cant promise to write everyday but will try my best.

Happy New Year Everyone

Linda and Co

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