Well folks what can I say its 2009 and here I am. think i forgot about this with everything that has been going on and believe me i don't even know where to start.
On a work level things are doing ok I now work a 37 hr week as we have been through job evaluation and I think the only thing I can say about that is that i always thought that consultation was a two way process but from my experience that is not so you are told what to do lol.
Family Life well where do i begin ? I love my family to bits but its been a bloody hard 6 months my two step children who have been living with us permanently for the last two years but seeing their mum and step dad at weekends and holidays well their mum emigrated to Australia ( yes Australia) in November and we have had our ups and downs as you can well imagine with the emotional roller coaster of feelings that the children are going through, we just about settle things and then Christmas comes along and rears up lots of emotions.
My card making has taken a back seat or even a seat up in the loft far far away lol as i have just not had the motivation to do anything but hopefully that will change , my lovely husband bought me a cuttlebug for Christmas and i am looking forward to using it lol and i have promised myself i will do haha
Oh well in for a penny in for a pound ( i feel like i am in confession lol ) my name is Linda and I am a facebook addict . There I said it facebook takes up a lot of my time lol too much if you listen to my husband lol.
On a downish note my dad has not been too well and has had a short stay in hospital before Christmas he is home now he is better than he was but will not get better as he has a heart condition and its deteriorating so were waiting at the moment to see what options are open to him.
Well i think that more or less brings you all uptodate in my little life lol.
I hope you all had a good Christmas and wish you all the best for 2009
Now I don't promise to be here everyday but hope to be back more regular than 8 months lol
Take Care Now
Thanks for reading x x x